Thursday, August 1, 2019

Let the 2019-2020 School Year Begin

Here we are at the 1st day of August, 2019. That can only mean that the school year is about to begin!
So... Ready or not, HERE COMES THE 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR!

I'm sure we have our "Ready to go back to school" kiddos and then our "NOOOOOOOOO!!! Not ready" kiddos. Either way, like I said, ready or not... :)

With that being said, there is a lot on everyone's plate trying to get school supplies, clothes, shoes, etc... So like we have done the past few years, here are the school calender's for the 2019-2020 school year for Keller, Northwest, Grapevine Colleyville, Southlake Carroll, Fort Worth, Birdville and Eagle Mountain Saginaw ISDs. Click the links below for your kiddos school district and POOF their calendar will pop up! 

August 14th is the first day of school for:

August 20th is the first day of school for:

August 19th is the first day of school for:
Eagle Mountain Sagniaw ISD

Have a great 2019-2020 school year!!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

"I'm Bored!"

Mom... Dad... I'm bored...

How many times have y'all heard this since the kids have been out of school? For Keller ISD, they've been out a little longer than the rest of the DFW area so those parents have probably already heard it a million times, am I right?

In their defense, we all know that we did the same thing when we were their age. At some point most of us learned pretty quickly NOT to say those 2 words, "I"M BORED!" because it usually was followed with some sort of cleaning or outside labor in the Texas heat. 

While those are still great ideas, here are a few more:
2. Play hide and seek (Inside or outside)
3. Have water gun fights (Outside, of course)
4. Get a few friends together and write a story. First person writes 2 sentences, pass the paper (YES paper) and then next person writes 2 sentences and so on.
5. Watch the sunrise and then later the sunset
6. Make a vision board (that's a good one for all ages)
7. Have a dance party (again... good for all ages)
8. Do an actual puzzle and not one on your phone, IPad, computer, etc...
9. Scavenger hunts are always fun
10. Volunteer in your community
11. Write a letter to a solider 
12. Play a board game
13. Learn to crochet. Could come in handy for birthdays, Christmas, etc...
14. Find a bible study to do
15. Take a bike ride
16. Write a letter to a grand parent (boy that would really make their day!)
17. Make a bucket list
18. Make dinner. Plan it, make a list of what's needed, make it and BAM! Instant night off for us parents. We'll probably have to buy it all but a night off from making dinner is a win!
19. This one might not be so fun but... Go through their stuff, get rid of what's not needed and donate it.
20. You can YouTube or Pinterest just about anything and learn to do something. When all else fails, that's always a great suggestion. Teach yourself how to make ice cream, slime, learn the alphabet in sign language, figure out a Rubix cube without taking the stickers off, just to name a few. 

I hope that these are some ideas that you hadn't thought of and that you get at least a little, "I"M BORED!" relief. Feel free to share with us any ideas you have! It's always good to have variety! 

Have a great summer!!