Thursday, June 25, 2015

Get a Life… Insurance Policy for your Children

Life insurance is the gift that keeps on giving, even when giving them to children. It is a non-traditional gift to give but it comes with future benefits. A life policy can potentially be a source of funds that your children and/or grandchildren can access when they get older, protects their future insurability, and by starting coverage early, it can keep premiums down.

Talking about life insurance can be tough especially when it’s for your child or grandchild. As parents we don’t like to think about something tragic happening to our kids. As an example, let’s say the unthinkable happens to your child while away at college. Having a life insurance policy for them that covers tuition in case of an accident will stop a monthly tuition bill, reminding you that your child won’t be coming home.

There is also a juvenile permanent life insurance policy that builds cash so that come time for college, your child or grandchild can access it to pay for college. A juvenile permanent life insurance policy is commonly purchased to supplement a college fund.

Here are more notable advantages for a life insurance policy for your children or grandchildren:

-        Important Cash Accumulation – The cash value of the policy grows with your child so the earlier the better.
-        Guaranteed Insurability – Regardless of their occupation or their health, when they have a life policy as a child, those factors will not interfere with them qualifying for a life policy as an adult.
-        Cost Savings – The earlier the coverage begins, the lower the cost may be.
-        Guaranteed Self-Completion – In the event of your death, an optional payor benefit may be available that could cover the premium payments of the policy for you.

Talking about Life insurance  isn’t always the easiest subject to talk about. Let’s set up a meeting and lay out all the benefits of a Farmers Life Insurance policy for your child or grandchild. Like Professor Burke says, “The more you know, the better you can plan for what’s ahead.”

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