Wednesday, July 25, 2018

ATV Got Your Shoe?

Who doesn’t love a day off? When you do get a day off, what do you like to do? Are you the type that likes to just relax, watch some TV or maybe catch up on some reading? Or are you the other type; the one that can’t sit still and must be doing something like tearing up some land on a 4 wheeler? We all have our ideas of what relaxing is, right? We all unwind in our own way.

Speaking of 4 wheelers or ATV type toys, did you know it’s just as important to have them covered like you would for your home and auto? You didn’t? Well it is very important to have those “toys” insured. Why, you ask? Let me tell you about an insured that was in a pretty bad ATV accident, injuring himself and a guest that was staying with him and his family. Thankfully, the insured had coverage on his ATV. While both he and his guest walked away, it was not without an ER visit, some stitches, a concussion and a pretty major surgery.

Even when we are being as safe as possible, accidents can and will happen. That’s where we come in. In this situation, they jumped on the ATV and were about to take a ride around the insured's property. The culprit… a shoe lace… I’m going to date myself a bit but do you remember the movie, “Footloose”? When Kevin Bacon is the new guy in town and is forced into playing chicken on a couple tractors with the “it” guy in town. Ren’s (Kevin’s character) shoe lace gets caught around the gas pedal and he can’t move his foot to hit the break? In the end, because he couldn’t break the “it” guy went into the ditch, causing Ren to win! Awesome, right?! Similar situation with our insured in that his shoe got stuck between the gas and the side of the ATV, while in reverse and they flipped backward onto the insured and his guest.

With all that being said, the good thing is, the insured was fully insured so he and his guest were taken care of. The guest’s medical bills and even time he had to take off of work for recovery was covered because the insured made sure that he had the right insurance in case of an accident on his property. So in his case, having the right insurance really was NO accident.

Something like this can happen not just on an ATV. It can happen on things we don't think about like dirt bikes, golf carts, boats, go-carts, snowmobiles and many more off road vehicles. This is why we want to make sure you have all the coverage you need. We are always willing to look over your policies to make sure that you do. Schedule a Farmers Friendly Review today because again, having the right insurance is NO accident. Or like Farmers Insurance says, “We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two.”

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